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ZSNES (Open Source) - Excellent SNES emulator here. Use the DOS version for slower machines. Windows version has lots of special screen modes and dozens of options. You can find most of the games with Shareaza by searching with .smc extention.

Gens (Open Source) - Excellent Genesis (Megadrive) emulator. Use Genecystx (http://bloodlust.zophar.net) for slower machines, less compatible but super fast. As usual the windows version has extra screen modes inc.25% scanlines so it looks like an old lowres monitor. As usual you can search with Shareaza for the games with .smd extention, lots of them around.

MAME (Open Source) - Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator. If you have a slower machine use the latest 0.36 betas, they include speed optimization which was removed in the 0.37 final. Search for games on Shareaza with a .zip extention.

Excellent game and emulator related site. News, useful info and even some old roms. Check this link all about the first http://www.classicgaming.com/features/articles/cgexpo2000/baerkeynote/ man to invent a games console.

For all you video game music lovers. Superb site, one of my early favourites. I've lost count how many hours I've spent listening to all the old classic game tunes on this site. Give it a try, you will love it.

(Not emulation but this is too good to miss!) FMS - Flying Model Simulator, just like flying a real radio controlled aeroplane or helecopter! Uses DirectX and any 3D accelorator will do. Version 2.0 Beta 6, runs fine on old Pentium or K5 systems. Controlled with analogue joystick (MS SideWinder 3D is perfect) or external controller. Lots of models and even landscapes to choose from. It's very very difficult to master at first, but do not be put off. After a week of regular practice you'll be looping round and it's great fun. I can land the planes and even hover the helecopters upside down too!

(From the Museum section.) You can also, have a look at this great arcade game. I think this is the most astonishing game ever, for it's time (1988). Almost unlimited hardware scaled sprites, hardware screen rotation, three MC68000's! There is a music rom and music only mame emulator on the site, free to download. The Genesis version isn't too bad musically. It runs full speed on Genecystx and the .smd rom file can be found with Shareaza.